Norwegian wild reindeer centre pavillion

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Thanks a lot Shane! you are the first who asks me for a 'making of' ... maybe, however if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer.
A great interpretation of Snohettas project! THe timber looks fantastic.. Would love to see a 'making of' for the modelling and texture work. Great work Federico.
thx for response. Your fireplace looks like one of my published for sale on one of online stores and I was curious if its the one. Shame it isn't :) anyway you're really skilled, I really like your images
Thanks! fireplace is modeled by myself
really nice image, did you buy fireplace model or made it by yourself?
Thanks a lot for your comment! I start this work with the goal of recreating exactly the reference photo (n°3 in your link) but at the end i decided to add a personal touch, just for the curiosity to see how the building works in another environment and with a different light.
Wow... I would really love to be in that room right now.