Nahuel Huapi House

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amazing work great mood really beautiful
Liked the scene looks very calm.
amazing! love the mood! :)
Thanks Isai ramirez and Frontop Ni for finding the mood in the image! :)
Nice work, nice postproduction.
Hey Giulio! thanks for you comment, the reflection of the car for the next! hahaha. Good Luck Keep Rocking!
great work. jaw's still on the floor... beautifull mood, that's why i'm really sorry for the spoiler... i'm missing the grass reflection on the car?!
Gracias Alvaro por tu comentario suerte par vos también!
Me encanta!, asi como todo su laburo. Suerte!
Obrigado Diogo! Camboriuuu, camboriuuu....
Thanks! Aurel Alto and Matthew Spencer, your comments make us happy!
Stunning...the rare combo of incredible technique plus excellent artistic styling.
Love it !!!! Great job !!
Gracias Nico por tu comentario vamos por mas! :)
Como siempre, impresionante! felicitaciones!! quiero ver mas..
Thanks! Robert Shelton and Prem Singh.
Gracias Tommy por tu comentario! Cuando necesites algo conta conmigo hermano!
amazing work, good
Great Fantastic