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Nigel is right. The guy tends to send a message you may not intend the viewer to see. I first clicked on the kitchen render to to get a closer look to see what the guy was doing. Personally I would never choose the image. But now that I see the same guy in another render of yours it is all coming together. It tells a story of a man trying to better his life. The doctor told him he needs to stop drinking or he will loose his kidneys. So he went home and dumped all his alcohol down the drain. I believe your images will be stronger with new people in them. There are plenty of resources out there that offer samples of people specific for Arch-Viz renders.
Well I am sorry I just find your choice of people quite funny. You need to lighten up a little bit I think and not get offended so easily by a little light hearted criticism. The fact is the choice of person in your images is ruining your visuals. Learn from it and you will produce better images. I am only being honest and saying what I think from seeing this bloke cropping up in all your visuals and he looks so strange.
I do not expect you to comment like that, your comment shows how unprofessional you are! It's not a funny comment and not a designer / architect's comment. Do you understand?!
Hey there's that zombie again!