gas station

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Great image, Adriaan's night sky was better though. Made the mood better in the setting. I do like the model and the lighting though. John
Great image! How did you do the windows? I presume that you've just applied bitmaps to them? Appreciate the dramatic look in the image.
Nice image Gil.
I googled night sky gradient here is another site that will help you on you're travels -
dear adrian i love your photography and your eye for light. can you point me to a good high res night sky like the one you used ? i do not have one.
you are great i love it
Good model and lighting, however, you're color is a bit dramatic. Night images are always the hardest and you should really invest some time in looking at night photography and especially how a sky looks. not to put you down, the image is 85% there! I hope you don't mind but I very quickly made an adjustment. All I did was drop in a photo of a sunset sky in the background, and desaturated the overall image a fraction, just to get the zing out of the yellow.. Adriaan