Some advice needed

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Thanks all for your comments and advice. I will post a new rendering taking into account your comments.
Here are some rapid tweaking in PS from Liège ;)
Ricardo EloyVanguard
I agree with all the above... I'd also like to point that maybe (just maybe), having the sun coming from the left would leave one side of the house in the shade, giving a more interesting sense of volume and depth to the whole scene (and avoid the overbright grass in the process). Keep up the good work, this is coming out really nice!
The scale of the brick driveway looks big, you might consider making it smaller. Also the mapping of the brick on the front leading corner of the house shows the mortar joint. In reality there wouldn't be a mortar joint at a corner like that. You can fix this by adjusting the UV mapping. You might consider the fascia of the sloping roof...Are you showing the asphalt shigle wrapping down and under? Since you are using Mental ray maybe apply some corner rounding to the stone work, in particular the left edge at the driveway where that block juts in. I like the stone stairs, just not sure they would last for more then a year or two. Sorry to be knit-picky about the construction, but I think you will find many will agree your modelling can be something that makes your visualization or breaks it, no matter how well the scene is lite and rendered. Otherwise I agree about the grass being to bright, and that tree branch on the right with the halo effect should be fixed. I also think anyone putting a flock of birds in the renderings from now on needs to entourage a hunter or two shooting at them as well.
I think everything is perfect, except the folliage, the grass looks very fake and maybe the tone of the sky