Bergman Werntoft Inspired II

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Everything else is lovely, quick bit of photoshop should make those knives pop. There's always one element of my images that annoys me the whole time, never quite looks right, ah well, guess that's part of being an artist, self critiquing!
Thanks Peter. Really helpful comments on both images. I think its my render settings that create this blur... or it could be the harsh chromatic aberration I added in post. And about the knives, tell me about it, they're not right!
Very nice, looks quite photoreal. My only issue is the whole image feels like it's in soft focus, there's no really sharp areas, everything feels a bit blurry. Otherwise, I'd make the orange juice jug read better, it kind of disappears into the wall in parts, and the knife blades feel a bit flat, I'm sure it's the angle they are at, basically perpendicular to the camera, just a bit of post work could make these pop.