Amar Jyoti - The Eternal Fire

The ‘Aamar Jyoti’ or ‘Eternal Fire’ is a 12m high sculpture with the free-flowing form of a flame. The metal spokes that support each steel pillar render stability to the structure. Similar to the complexity of a DNA molecule that contains diverse characteristics of an organism, the spokes represent the diversity of the people of India. Despite its heterogeneity, it holds together to form one nation; in its diversity is its strength. Steel typically represents the building of the nation- the construction of bridges, buildings, industries. The use of steel for the structure is a bold statement that similarly depicts the strength of the nation through the people and how the integration of all cultures, religions, and beliefs has been the strength to power one nation. The spokes are made from recycled YST 355 steel hollow sections and could not be easily achieved by any other material. The most challenging times in history are known to bring together the people of India-the onset of the pandemic brought forth this need to be united once more and this is represented by the unified form of steel. The structure would thus be a tribute to the unity of the nation in distressing times which revive the sense of patriotism and oneness among the people.
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