
By TomD_Arch

Sharing Inspiration: A Guy Doing Hand Drawn Renderings

So the other day I was cruising through my LinkedIn feed and came across a post with some really beautiful hand drawn renderings by a guy, Marc Turley, over in London.  I find this kind of hand craft really fascinating to see now, because I don't think it's a skill being taught much anymore in architecture schools.  There's a certain rigor and care that has to be taken when producing pieces like his.  I think it also takes a certain level of confidence, that can only be developed by repetition, to set ink to paper in a desire to create such detail.  Imagine if you were setting your color correction layers and were only allowed to set each one with one touch, once.

He's working on getting his website together so his Instagram is his main outlet for images.

Instagram name:  theurbangiant
Instagram account:
Website (under construction):
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BIM Manager, Architectural Designer at Knight E/A

placeChicago, US