Crescent sNOwin :)

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Excelente imagen Aldo la verdad que quede fascinado con tu trabajo, felicitaciones.
Good news guys!!! making of this year in cgarchitect :)
Stunning and very photorealistic work Aldo, i hope you can share with us the work behind the render. Congratulations
Thanks Hernan, I hope son too.
Stunning and very photorealistic work Aldo, i hope you can share with us the work behind the render. Congratulations
good work brother....really appreciate...
Thanks Bro
we need "making of" of this one.
Waiting to Jeff M, request me the making :)
nice composition, maybe the light on second floor is a bit too much intensive
Thanks for the comment
good work brother....really appreciate...
Thanks Bro
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your comments, gladly I will make a "making of" I just need Jeff M requires me :)
Thanks and here is the link
Thanks, I´m using it as a wallpaper now XD
nice project!! well done
we need "making of" of this one.
nice composition, maybe the light on second floor is a bit too much intensive
good work brother....really appreciate...
Post a full resolution link so we can really appreciate it, really great image!
Thanks and here is the link
Post a full resolution link so we can really appreciate it, really great image!
muy buena imagen!!
Gracias Cristian.
muy buena imagen!!