Industry News

By Jeff Mottle

Splutterfish 2003 Brazil r/s Showreel Call for Submissions

Press Release

  Splutterfish Showreel Call for Submissions


SIGGRAPH is upon us and we would like to invite you to contribute to the 2003 Brazil r/s Showreel

Every year, SplutterFish is going to try and do a demo reel showcasing the spectacular work everyone has been doing with Brazil. Last year's reel was mostly material from the pre-release days of Brazil and was hugely popular at the show. After seeing some of the work everyone's been doing, this year's reel should rock!

We're looking for material from a wide variety of individuals and companies. Brazil r/s is an extremely flexible tool and is being used for many more types of work then we had imagined. We think it would be really cool to be able to show some sampling of that wide variety of work. We're looking, primarily, for animated works as opposed to stills for the reel, but we can do some interesting montage things and pans over large stills too. Anything that doesn't end up in the reel we'd be glad to consider for our gallery which has proven to be a excellent spot for bringing attention to many artist's work.

If you can contribute, please contact me directly



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About this article

Every year, SplutterFish is going to try and do a demo reel showcasing the spectacular work everyone has been doing with Brazil. Last year's reel was mostly material from the pre-release days of Brazil and was hugely popular at the show. After seeing some of the work everyone's been doing, this year's reel should rock!

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About the author

Jeff Mottle

Founder at CGarchitect

placeCalgary, CA