Industry Surveys
Survey Results: VR Usage in Arch Viz
In July 2016 we surveyed CGarchitect members across our sites, newsletters and social media to see how they were currently using VR in production and how they planned to use VR in 2016 and 2017. We received responses from across the globe:
Europe: 40%
USA: 21%
Asia: 11%
South America: 9%
Oceania: 5%
Middle East: 3%
Canada: 3%
Africa: 3%
Mexico: 2%
Central America: 1%
The majority of participants worked in Architectural Visualization studios and Architectural firms.
Architectural Visualization Studio: 43%
Architectural Firm: 22%
Freelancer 10%
Interior Design Firm: 4%
Software/Hardware/Content Manufacturer or Service Vendor: 4%
Advertising/Marketing/Creative Agency: 3%
Engineering Firm: 3%
Gaming/Film/Entertainment Company: 2%
Student: 2%
Building Contractor: 1%
Manufacturer: 1%
Industrial Design: 1%
Information Technology: 1%
Retail Designer: 1%
Academic (Teacher, Professor, Researcher, Lecturer): 1%
We received many comments from participants, mostly overwealmingly positive on the potential of VR within the architecture industry:
"It will change the industry"
"Natural fit, Will usher in a new era for builders picking materials and finish options."
"it's the future"
"It will be a revolution!!"
"The hype is full on"
"The tech is adequate, but buy in by management and clients is problematic at best"
"Currently i don't feel like VR is needed in archviz industry."
"Its very exciting, we are now looking at it as a serious method of communication"
"i think VR /AR/MR will be a norm for clients to ask for presentations in the future"
"I think the VR is really your future, however the HMD's need to improve regarding motion sickness."
"This will definitely change the way people look into things."

About this article
2016 Architectural Visualization Industry Virtual Reality Survey - Infographic Volume 1