
By Jeff Mottle

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and I am glad the computer is calculating these perspectives for me :)
no matter how many points these images take all the points in the amazing category
Thank you for taking my rendering in this beautiful selection!
thanks for featuring my work CGA :)
nicr ... awesome ... but i have a doubt.. WATS the difference BTW 1 point perspective and perspective???
there is only one diffference...its have a point:P
I am very happy to have my picture in the selection. CGA Thanks, I'm honored
wow the way which one is ur????
amaizing snaps.. purely adorable...
I like the way things are run around here. Great images ...nice work everyone!
I am very happy to have my picture in the selection. CGA Thanks, I'm honored
I really like the sinuous curves of the old world alley because it doesn't scream 'one point perspective'... on the other hand the last image by Digital Mirage really nails it down as a one point and has some great mood and detail. And to whomever put Scott in his place for his arrogant comments, +1 to you. I would certainly contribute to this site more if it weren't for a select few 'personalities' such as his.
Thanks Arnold, and thanks Jeff for another awesome inspiration series!!
Neoscape image is dripping with underground mood. Totally awesome... Love everything about it!!!
i think each and everybody here to learn some thing but we should have to respect other and specially newer other wise they will not fill comfort to ask question KANNAN RAVICHANDRAN i think i didnt say which u heart but i am also really sorry if i heart u anyway this post is going on other track lets talk abt this wonderful post
Right now, you are in the lead for biggest asshole on CGArchitect. Can we make that part of the awards?
No need to such aggressiveness, maybe I had a bad day, too mush stress at work I don't know, my point was other but not a place really if some felt offended for my comment, my sincere apologies, you can contact me if you like and I will be more than happy so assist you in any questions.
Thanks for posting that link Scott. You beat me too it. I got tied up this morning.
nicr ... awesome ... but i have a doubt.. WATS the difference BTW 1 point perspective and perspective??? Pay no attention to some of the comments above from the many Masters of everything except a personality that frequent this board.
Very inspiring Jeff, thank for this collection. Regarding the comments above, at the beginning I laugh, then I read it again and I feel sad and insulted, this really prove the overflow of non real professionals that call them self "Archviz artist" learning a software that can produce credible renders with not much knowledge, is non synonyms of Professional. If you don't know what perspective is, you have a long way buddy, keep copying materials and pre-made scenes from some one else will take you so far.
Yeah, because you knew everything since the day you were born. Maybe your pompous attitude has clouded the fact that there are people on this board who are just starting out. It's also clouded the fact that instead of lording over them like the King of All Arch Viz, we are supposed to help them and impart the knowledge we learned. Right now, you are in the lead for biggest asshole on CGArchitect. Can we make that part of the awards?
Hey Kannan, Nothing wrong with asking questions, specially if they insult an Archiviz aristocrat or two. Everyone here has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. One point perspective has one single vanishing point (usually on the horizon line). A two point perspective has two vanishing points and so on ... Cheers!

About this article

For this week's Inspiration series we've collected some of the best images from the last few months featuring One Point Perspective compositions.

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About the author

Jeff Mottle

Founder at CGarchitect

placeCalgary, CA