Commercial Interior - Trading Desks

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]40902[/ATTACH] Here's a new view. A little more dynamic. In retrospect, I could have added base boards and other items to make the room more believeable, but I was trying to focus on the furniture (because that's what we sell :) )
Thanx for the crits guys. I'll try to adjust that background image. Thanasis: Would you raise or lower the camera? Typically, I'd take a higher sight line, but the cients are paying big for that rear veneer panel so I figured I'd show it. You did give me a good idea, though... I think I'm going to take a shot from the ceiling. Might be able to fit more geometry in the field of view. Stay tuned for updates and thanks again.
First thing I noticed was the lighting was off, but you did point it out that you noticed. As far as distracting, its not too much for me. Should be adjusted though. I like the desks you modeled and the office chairs for them though. :) John
Hello Antoine. Your image has at my opinion 2 basic issues. 1) Your camera's angle isn't too attractive, because it makes the desk look rickety. 2)The background image has low resolution and distracts the eyes because of the heavy cyan colouring. I hope that helps.