Canal House

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nice renders justin! the house has an indoor water slide??? lucky clients
You are right, the greenery is awful, considering this is over a year old might be time to re-visit it and fix all the things that need fixing. Freash eyes and all that :) jhv
My only critic is the environment. greenery looks awful. also you can improve road texture.
good job mate! overall looks great!
Thanks jhv
I like it, and also love the contrast.
looks sweet mate.. good job.
Thanks for the comments. I agree that there should be more inside and something I might consider doing later. As for the lighting levels, its where I want it, overly contrasty and pushing the golden twighlight further than where is would normally be. This is a step away from my usual style, I like the effect but need to refine it more to pull it off properly. jhv
Nice light. i Think you can improve the realism with some object more
Good work, but the overall lighting need a little increase. There is a lot of contrast betwwen light and shadow.