Library Schematic Design Rendering

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The signage/pylon kind of reminded me of it.
@Frosty - I don't think that building had any influence on the building design. I looked it up though and it is very interesting. Thanks for bringing it up. @charris - I agree with your comment on the vegetation, I was thinking about using max trees. I downloaded a few plugins but didn't have time to mess with them yet. I wanted them to be less opac anyway to be able to see the building behind it more clearly. As for the noise on the street, definitely too much. I'll change that on the next set of renderings. Thanks for the comments
Were you influenced by Freelon's Anacostia library in Arch Record a few months ago?
Like I said, the render times were overkill. I rendered while photoshopping the other images and while sleeping. I would say you would get a very good result using a similar machine in under an hour. Thanks for looking :)
If one hear this. would not be interested in using iRay :(
I rendered two of the images overnight so about 13 hours each which is way overkill. The image with the plane flying in the top left was rendered in 4 hours.
Can you tell us the times please.
Looks good buddy