Reading Room, Conceptual

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nice design and rendering
Good design and photo realistic rendering. the door handle is way too thick to me. I dont know if the sizing of the stand light is what you were after. But it is also way too large to me. hope this helps.
ha ha u're right my bad.. :) thanks for ur input...
cakep!....keren! tapi bnr kata mr. aristrotic bbrp model kebesaran! ;)
walah baru nyadar bro pas di komen si mister itu ha ha... thanks bro...
cakep!....keren! tapi bnr kata mr. aristrotic bbrp model kebesaran! ;)
Good design and photo realistic rendering. the door handle is way too thick to me. I dont know if the sizing of the stand light is what you were after. But it is also way too large to me. hope this helps.