Beach Pergola

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Hi. You need up the bump maps and speculation in your textures they are all a bit flat , you also need to add attenuation to the lamp light. in the real world light naturally falls off over distance. I would also add a light blue direct light outside in the sky to simulate moonlight and as mentioned above turn on GI in your render settings. That should take away the flatness of the image.... Hope that helps.
turn on GI ;)
I think you need to ditch the omni, use some photometric lights, take another look at the materials on the chairs and floor, and think of putting in the fire in post.
Thanks for the input! I noticed that too, but initially couldn't figure out what was wrong. I went back and tweaked some more, figured out that the omni light I was using for the lamp was too low, and the glass lamp was interfering with the shadows. I moved it up- I've attached the result. I think it looks a lot better. Thanks again!
The 2 seats look like they are floating in the scene, look at the lighting and shadows.