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Thank you very much John!
Alejandro..the boss! Brilliant work..keep them coming!
Very nice ambient, good lighting!
Thank you Evilios. I'm taking note!
nice image overall ! the only thing bothering me is the fire and the wood texture bump. good architecture !
Thank you fellow countryman! I have made that exactly with the fire! Maybe I can keep trying some adjustemnts.
hey mi amigo! Congrats for the image, i like a lot!! In ps, try duplicating the fire layer, and put it as overlay, and play with opacity, and/or mask it... that will give you more strenght to the color. Saludos amigo Alvaro
Thank you all for the constructive comments! the fire was added in photoshop and was the best I could do. I try other ways to do it. They are also right with shiny balls and lights from the walls. At this point the client to decide here to change the housing project for a hotel so surely there will be many changes and some new render. Thanks again!
yeah i agree with what's being said, the fire looks out of place, was it photoshopped or did you actualy try to use shaders or a fire plugin? The architecture is lovely, it's a good inclosed space without being "narrow" or having a dangerous feeling to it. It's well played out with the visualisation, lets just hope they can make it work in real life like you represented it. Agree with the orbs to: overkill / the architecture is "urban back to nature" or however you wanna call it, I'm a fan. Bricks work well, but the lighting on that wall... Doesn't fit the overall feeling, should be more "one-directional" lighting in my taste, it's more forward and direct. The two-directional lighting is kind of... I don't know, honestly. Just doesn't fit the feeling. But overal feeling is "congrats". grts
nice lighting nice environment..looks very realistic to me but the fire..a little bit strange.:)
well done!my only comments are for the lights on the right wall.Are you using ies lights?
Thanks for your sharing because I like this space so simple(ho!...)! Byby Spirou4D PS: The bubble light is a little too flat, create a artefact like a white hole with the groupe...a few damage.
You have a very nice rendered image!... i like it...
Thanks! With the fire was my best try but it's need to be improved a lot.
Not a big fan of the fire or the glowing globes but other than that I like it. Love the glass, the building and the lighting.
Thank you so much! I like the projet! Is only a bit overloaded with elements and materials for me
Great image and Great Architecture. I know you said it's not your taste, but I like it a lot. Reminds me of some of the cooler residential work you see in San Francisco. Nice Job.