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nice image,i like it
Thanks Luis! Yes, the lake on this occasion was a reflective plane with a noise map applied to the bump to give the reflections a 'water' style break up. On some of the other Center Parcs images where the water was closer to the camera and more of feature, I modelled in depth to the water features and properly refracted the water with a dirt & stone base. As we were at a glancing angle tho for this image I felt I could get away with the old school noise map approach!
I looove this! Great job Mark. I've checked your tutorial on 3D Artist, great tips you give, thanks! I'm still in a beginner level, started learning 3ds a month or so ago, and I was wondering, is the lake a noise map? i like it very much! ^^
For anyone interested, there's a 6 page 'making-of' article in this month's 3D Artist magazine, all about this image! 3D Artist Issue 24 Available at all good magazine stores :-)
hi, Muli. very good and nice. be successful.
Here you go 'Wasteland Giant' - I've attached the raw render without any post work added!
love this image. can you post a pre-post work shot? Love to see what's 3D and whats comped.
Very nice mark. With you and Alex in a month I think I am going to step up to the challenge, though a 2 up 2 down may not be that spectacular enough!
great image!! good composition but i agree about the bird,maybe it's too close with the building..
Thanks for all the comments! I agree about the rocks! I didn't have any spare time before the deadline to work more detail into them unfortunately. It's one of those things that I'd like to change when I've got a bit if time. I think the people/trees need a bit more work too but overall I'm pretty happy with the final image! Ps the grass is just plain old Photoshop. And most of the planting/reeds/bushes etc was VrayScatter.
Hi nice work but sky can be improved, it shoulsd be desaturated more.
Bravo panero
I second the post about the duck, it really made my day seeing that little guy up there on the grass (which is fantastic btw, something Ive always had trouble with, did you use a particle based render or photoshop grass in manually - or some other method?) In relation to the image, it might look better if you added some noise to the rocks. Especially when you blow the image up to full size there are some noticeable texture lines and stretched mapping. However, this really is only visible on full res, so it may not be too much of an issue for you. Great image, mate. Cheers Sam
that is one cool water slide.... foreground rocks could use some displacement. how did you do those water lilies?
very nice. only the sudden strong DOF to the plant in the bottom left throws it a bit.
nice planting!
Cheers Brennan! There actually are trees inside the building! It's a tropical swimming pool so there are palm trees etc in there. I made the glass a touch more reflective than normal so we didn't have to worry about seeing too much of the swimming pool area, and as we're reflecting a Forrest it kind of emphasised the nature feeling that bit more.
Looks damn good! The building's reflections look a bit strong. It appears almost as if trees are inside the building. It's not a big deal, though.
Thanks Kareem! It was great to work on some 'nature' based images as apposed to the normal urban type stuff. We've got another set of Center Parcs images from another site we can hopefully post soon too.
Amazing Mark ... Very nice work ... i like the nature And i don't have any comments :)