Commercial - Interior Lobby

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DOF often associates with a narrower lens. The use of wide len in the image make the DOF look strange and unrealistic in my opinion. I would try some 50mm or 75mm lens.
Thanks for the explanation!
Looks great! Would you mind describing your work flow using the software you mentioned? I'd really like to hear what you did in each.
I used the CAD plans to create the base model in sketchup(walls, doors, windows). I modeled all other details in max (railings, furniture, drapes ect). Textured and rendered in vray including DOF set up in vrayphysical cam, then did some post work in PS (color correction, vignetting, light bloom)
Looks great! Would you mind describing your work flow using the software you mentioned? I'd really like to hear what you did in each.
Nice image Jonathan. I recommend to angle the camera in order to make it more interesting. The DOF makes you a little dizzy when you first look at the image but after some more precise looking you get used to it.