Residential building competition

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It's a nice looking rendering but it feels like the building is falling over. I know that is probably because of your source image but IMO it needs to be fixed for the final product.
Tron>> just the building and ground around it is rendered. Ismael>> thank you, yes good ressource for everyone who needs to work with brick walls. Daniel Doerksen>> i had to deal with very bad quality photos for the backplate, hard to stitch, hard to use at 100% as you can see on this, it seemed to me that people didnt deserve a perfect shading/compositing work...they are here and there to give the scale, and hide more or less junction areas of the 3d/photo compositing [ATTACH=CONFIG]42340[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]42339[/ATTACH]
no i think just the building is. I think the ppl need more AO or a harder shadow at their feet they feel floating imo
Are all the trees and vehicles rendered?
Thanks for the textures link. very good! ***edit*** Nice work. I like the scene very much.