Niagara Falls Intermodal Transportation Center

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This image wasnt on the client check list. I am typically given so little time to work on something, and the perimeters are so cut and dry that I do need an outlet from time to time. Shortly after high school I started painting portraits as a means to support myself, it was at this time that I also started painting abstractly after hours, just to keep my sanity. This isnt exactly an abstract rendering, but the sun is shinning in through the windows from the north!
the ultimate reference image for volumetric lighting... [IMG][/IMG]
something else i just noticed that is troubling me. you have some clerestory windows, and the sun is hitting the wood panel wall at an angle, but it appears to be recessed under that ceiling/bulkhead ? something looks wrong there.
very nice work with volumetric lighting......but i agree with PAUL....i wander if it is necessary here. Could've used guss vertical shift with camera - the image is a bit distorted. I like the space quality......and the amount of light in the space........good work.
totally agree about the volume light - nice effort, but probably not appropriate. correct the perspective with a camera modifier as well.
I think this image is really strong as a sort of experiential image, but from a client's point of view, those beams of light might be a little bit too prominent. I personally think that effect was pulled off really well in this image, but if I was a client, I might want a little bit more focus on the architecture. Just my two cents, great rendering overall in my opinion.