NPR style building

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Totally agree about people inside the building and reflection ! The architects didn't want any reflections because it's a preliminary study and they don't wont their client to think it will be glass or anything. Just rough texture they said. And about people, I didn't have any plan on how desks and posts will be organized. So just putting people standing? A bit weird no ? And here is a street view
Looks a bit like the styrofoam models we sometimes do in our office but as Gradzki is miss a little bit of reflections etc. on the building that we are supposed to focus on. I think the green lawn under the trees and the surface around the building is nice and simpel for this sort of image. Maybe the trees could be even simpler to emphasize the model look (non realistic look)...nice QR !!!
Perhaps a bit of materiality in the main building would help i.e. at least some reflection in the glass facade and some people silhouettes inside? Now it looks like you've given more attention to the surroundings than to the main subject. I understand the tight timeframe, but still... Otherwise good quickie!