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hi anthony, the design was given to us by the architect. thanks for the feedback
Hey, The image is okay I think. The table , magazines, plant (foreground stuff) looks good. The lighting is okay, very mental ray. I think the main thing for me is to look at the detail (and tone) of the wood. The mapping on the window and weird doorway thing is not great and not sure that texture works. Also, is the image from reference or one of your own designs? I think you could look at a few things - the doorway, the wood on the windows in the distance and the seats underneath it don't look the most comfortable. Also, I'd have a look at more work on tone/colouring in post. I had a quick play (I couldn't resist) and posted it on my twitter: https://twitter.com/i/#!/OliverTapple/media/slideshow?url=pic.twitter.com%2FdZgkekgQ Overall, as I said, it's okay. But not great. I'd keep pushing it, looking at it bit by bit until it becomes a good or even a great image.