simple hut

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I'm glad you said that about the roof, I like it but wasn't sure how it looked to others. I made it using Maya's paint effects tool with a stock dry grass brush, then converted the brush strokes to polygons (Paint effects won't show up in mental ray). If you aren't familiar with it, you can paint geometry directly onto surfaces, it adds a lot of polys but still renders pretty fast. It is somewhat similar to the hair n fur modifier in Max, but I don't know an exact equivalent.
tsunami!a little play on curves and levels in post will do the trick. i specially like your roof, care to shed light on your technique.
Thank you very much Alex.
Hi Justin! At first view the image looks washed out. In the inside of the hut, I'd put stuff so that it looks like it is being used. I'm not very experienced on doing water, but to me it looks a bit too "perfect" and again, washed out. Anyhow, that's at first sight, I'm sure someone else can give better direction on other things. By the way, I do like the modeling, no complaints there at all.