San Vicente Gardens Project!! (Plus)

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Thanks guys I agree with you in all the aspects, the idea of the carpet was make it very puffy and the center of the eye, thats for the visual effect that provide.. for the modd of the scenes, well the client was looking for sad days, without sun, you know those days, it will be nice have more color and a nice sun coming from outside. Take care.
Hmmmmm........really nice work.........the carpet is a bit weebeeeboooooooooo.........but it's ok as per individual taste.......:D
I like this. I do agree about the carpet, but black and white rooms have always intrigued me. You could try a version with some colored light coming in. Exaggerate the color a bit, just for fun, and to add a bit more interest. A room like this is almost as good as a blank canvas that you can paint on with colored lighting. You could really yellow up the sunlight coming in, and then make your fill lights a little blue, and see what kind of effects you can get. Or, just leave it as is, and we can enjoy it.
Amigo, i liked the whites a lot but the space seems a little bit squeezed. the carpet texture is nice but seems puffy, as for the couch maybe you should inserted a nicer color, more daring like bloody red. Nice quality of images in details, I like the most the shot taken near the table.
Orlando, I agree that the carpet's bump is too much and the scene has been lighten up without switching on the ceiling lights...
You don't need alcohol, with this carpet.. rendering is nice, but carpet makes me dizzy