Exterior Restaurant

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Here is an update. I decided to go overcast as this is typically more english weather then bright and sunny. Any comments and critisisms?
I do have a bump map on the bricks but i agree with you in that they need to appear more 3-dimensional. I will increase the bump value. The pavement is the only part which has displacement (grouting indent). I'll get a material for this. Thanks so much for your comments. I shall post my changes shortly. Much appreciated. Cheers.
A lot of things got better since your last proposal. The greatest problem remains your materials. They dont seem to be 3D . Do you have a bump map on the briks?. If yes highten it up . Don't use displacment for asphalt on the road it doesn't make sence and longens the render time. Take real photos of street- an sidewalks- and other materials and make them seemless patterns. Since your modeling is ok everything falls and rises with material. RK
does anyone have any advice for me?