Test perspective

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Ok first thing is to recognize that having a simple architecture does not prevent us to do a good render. I think that with better lighting will get better results. You can use Vraysun whit vraysky. Also you could improve the image composition. Try whit some 3d trees, whit differents scales, the sky color should match whit the ambient light. The glass should reflect and be more tranparent. I hope my tips are useful Regards JC 3dmodels.com vray scenes,tutorials and more
i Agree..the image is too flat...and the shadows have to be well defined to get the depth.
You need to get the scaling right. The car is too big, or the people too small to start with. The texture is repeating and kind of flat. And in my opinion 3d people looks awful:) Better without...
I think the composition miss something on the left of the picture, maybe one more tree to fill the gap. Maybe there's too much reflection on the terrace on the right. And the colors are a bit too flat.
I think it'll look better to comp the human figures in PS rather than 3D.
Agreed. Maybe tweak the view/camera angle, seems a little high and straight on.
Thanks for your comment, you are totally right but i am not the architect here, so what you see here is his design.
Sorry, but I'm not liking the design. Roof Fascia feels very heavy. Don't like the roof color, it does not go with the more muted tone of the building. And what's with the sloping chimney? As for the rendering-glass needs to reflect something, specially near horizon level. I think it'll look better to comp the human figures in PS rather than 3D.But this is just my opinion.