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wow,.. really nice of Macker.. Ill also try those, autograss seem to let me down when I tried it at my friend's pc..
hi jjhugz!! thanks for your comments!!! Best regards!
wow,.. really nice of Macker.. Ill also try those, autograss seem to let me down when I tried it at my friend's pc..
I think it's a fantastic render, really well textured. I have only two comments, both fairly minor. 1 - The grass in the foreground whilst looking okay, doesn't look particularly realistic imo and I feel it could be made better by using a program such as multiscatter or advanced painter to paint grass proxy's around the scene. Basically using Peter Guthrie's method as shown on his blog: http://www.peterguthrie.net/blog/2009/03/vray-grass-tutorial-part-1/ 2 - The colour temperature between inside & outside could be exaggerated a bit more, because realistically speaking the colour temperature of light bulbs is really quite warm - take a look at these pics on Ronen Bekermans blog that illustrate it perfectly; http://www.ronenbekerman.com/balmain-house-carter-williamson-architects/ My only crits, everything else is lovely.
thank you very much ... take into account all your comments that the truth is very good ... external projects not normally do, you could say that this is my first outdoor project, so all your comments were taken into account to improve ... thanks and my best wishes!
Nice image Hector. Well done!
Thanks for your feedback ... are greatly appreciated!
I think it's a fantastic render, really well textured. I have only two comments, both fairly minor. 1 - The grass in the foreground whilst looking okay, doesn't look particularly realistic imo and I feel it could be made better by using a program such as multiscatter or advanced painter to paint grass proxy's around the scene. Basically using Peter Guthrie's method as shown on his blog: http://www.peterguthrie.net/blog/2009/03/vray-grass-tutorial-part-1/ 2 - The colour temperature between inside & outside could be exaggerated a bit more, because realistically speaking the colour temperature of light bulbs is really quite warm - take a look at these pics on Ronen Bekermans blog that illustrate it perfectly; http://www.ronenbekerman.com/balmain-house-carter-williamson-architects/ My only crits, everything else is lovely.
Nice image Hector. Well done!