Night time illumination

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Wow, thanks guys! Ethan, you are right about the reflection - I made a lame attempt to illuminate the dashboard and messed it up a bit in the process. Adjacent house would look better if it had a bit of dirt applied too... Muck, Yep a bit of entourage wouldn't hurt too thanks for the feedback L
Overall perfect! maybe u can add a few street light to make it look better. ~cheers regards, muck
Critic? the only critic I have is that ur making me clean the slob of my keyboard from drewling over the beauty of this image. Just a few painpoints if I would HAVE to search for em: *the car in the foreground: front mirror (strange reflection? - to strong, to wobbly?) *the house next to the building looks like a doll house *But I <3 the street texture, the lights of the cars on it, it's a very good compository help. I just learned something new. TY