The Magic Hour - An Exterior Render

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You have tried good but in land scape area there is no loghting & its look black. You have tried to show interior lighting but you have shown curtain inside so dont show curtain, put interior models. You can also show lighting in balcony area. Try to improve lighting bcoz there is no shadow effect in scene. You must show details.
Yes Sir :) :) I always do interior designing and never tried to do any kind of exterior render, this time though, I was compelled to work on this project because it is a good design in itself, plus I really wanted to test my skills of lighting that I have learnt from past years, doing interior designing... :D And I thank you and your wife from the deepest of my heart... :) :)
really? first exterior? really deep bow :D my wife said she likes the photo...
really nice image but if it's an architectural vizualization, which you want to use to sell project, I don't like the dirt on the walls :)
I appreciate your word my friend, but I really do not want to sell this house or property to anyone... :D :D ... This project was just to understand post production and exterior lighting, as this is my first exterior render ever... :)
really nice image but if it's an architectural vizualization, which you want to use to sell project, I don't like the dirt on the walls :)