leak problem?

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Shadow maps softness is faked and gives unrealistic results. A photometric light set to Uniform diffuse will give much more accurate results, although longer render times. Your scene does not need such high settings. If you had really fine detail, then yes it makes sence to go so high. Try deleting the FG map and re-render.
Justin, lol... no my computer isn't melted yet. fg is saved incremental. rendertimes where rather good, took only about 20 minutes (after rendering the fg map half the size). normaly i use medium settings with diffuse bounce set on 2, but used higher settings to avoid artifacts. why do you recommend raytraced shadows over shadow maps? doesn't shadowmaps give softer shadows so it adds more realism?
are you trying to melt your computer? those are crazy high settings. Medium should be more than enough. Also try not to use shadow maps, rather use raytraced shadows. Are you using a saved FG map or recreating it each time? jhv
and here are the settings: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45838[/ATTACH]
what have you set the FG noise filtering to? jhv
Plz post settings. something's off.. the shadow of the chair is waaayy to sharp for an indirect source as large as the window. If you are using GI/FG, make sure your GI is optimized for your scene (aka, make sure the radius of your max sample radius is 1/100 the scene size (default)). Also, fit sky portals to each window if you haven't already done that.
My gut reaction is something with lighting and subdivisions. However, have you tried to render without the desk light? I haven't seen the scene, but the light from the window might be a reflection off that metal material. Do you still get the spots with a material override on?