Commercial Building, India

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oh yes, very nice!!!!
Very impressive image, I have to agree with braddewald about the attention being drawn to the dark car first. Love how everything else seems to flow together in the image though. Excellent lighting too. John
Very, very nice image. I agree with all the comments so far. I don't know about the perspective you chose, though. The building seems to be taking up less than 50% of the image. When my eyes first look at the image, they go straight to the car in the lower-right (it is also the darkest area.) It seems to me that the building should be more front-and-center. Although it's already the main focal point, I'd crop the image and change the black car to white....but that's getting pretty nit-picky. You should be proud of this image.
Nice architecture and rendering. The road texture needed more of your time, it seems like polished casted concrete.
I like 'ur render,it's very great...would u tell me 're post pro?,thanks
Thanks for all your comments guys! @HVB I totally agree - people and mini were added at the very end and I have nothing more than my laziness as an excuse :) I was actually more concerned about the looks of the yellow cab on the edge, as it is the only non CGI part of the image...
The render looks great, but I was really taken back by the proposed building's form. It's so faceted and interesting. Right away I started thinking about the experience of interracting with a building like this. I think those rectangular nooks enhance the image by allowing some variation between nature/building material. I think a view from inside one of those nooks would be novel. Very nice project. This building could probably be LEED certified pretty easy with that green roof.
This is pretty sweet, it has a great feel. Nice work!
Hi Lukasz, Really nice looking image, model looks great and everything seem to fit very nice especialy cars and trees match very good. Just think some of the people could use some adjustment to fit better with the lighting and I would lose the mini, somehow doesn't look that real as the other car models. Everything else looks really great. Han
Nice image Lukasz.!
Nice rendering. Very good lighting there. Ireland studio doing Indian work, bit surprising.