Time Travelers house

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First of all....Intimidating!! The concept, the design lines, the mood, the vegetation....IS just incredible. Second: the link for the making of is bad I think..
This is the how to making of Time travelers house. Hope you like it. Time Travelers house making of
WoW!!! Really beautifull work bro. Keep up the awsome work. Cheers
thanks guys...I am still preparing my how to ... :(
Congrats Tolgahan on these great images... it was very close between u and first place... liked ur design better, but his renders were a little cleaner. Excellent work nonetheless!!
I have a little viz.company in the Turkey. www.avisgrafik.com
What are you doing now. I meant do you serve under any company or you do freelance? The best renders I have ever seen in CG architect forum.
Bonkers, beautiful and brilliant! Jim
Incredible work! well done! A 'making of' is in order here! ;)
very good !!!
Wow, these are just stunning. Please tell me you won first prize, for these are just amazing. John
Awsome!!! Congrats!! You must have won the first prize!!! Give us some information about the vegetation, Xfrog?
WOW some bunch of renders I did not see on Evermotion I think. Like I said before, stunning work.
Whoaa... the hell is this? :D Very cool!
Only one word............EXTREME!!!.............awesome job man.....really outstanding!!!
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