Arched doorway

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impressive details! Good work.
Shwing! Very well done.
Thanks, much happier with it now. Just hope my potential client likes it.
excellent mate.. good work on the ol' bricks
Image put together for potential new client who specializes in heritage work. Not sure why the images that I post on this forum all come out darker and blurry. Has anyone got any ideas. All my images are done on my work PC and look fine on that screen and print OK. any ideas will be greatly appreciated Ta
I have changed all the things that have been critiqued above. please let me know what you think.
its nice, the door itself looks great...i think you need to show more attention to the bricks around it tho, they look very 'cg'. I think to get around this you need to maybe paint a bit of grunge on them in photoshop or find a better texture. Also take care with how the bricks meet the stone 'skirting' it would look better IMO if the texture began with a full course of bricks at the bottom.
Looks good on my screen as well. The only item for improvement would be the bump/displacement on the ground - Raise that baby up!
Thanks guys for your responses. I'll have a play with the displacements and see what I can come up with.
Looks good on my screen as well. The only item for improvement would be the bump/displacement on the ground - Raise that baby up!
It comes down to colormanagement and how the monitor and grafics cards are adjusted. Also, if you embed the color profile in the image file, not all browsers display it correctly. I'm no expert on the subject but I'd say, if it looks right on your monitor and print is ok, dont fiddle too much with it. Also my guts tell me to win any competition you have to rework the balcony fresco. It has a very noticable pattern to it and the displacement intersection is also very noticable. I'd suggest you try to work with chamfered or round corners to minimize those intersections.
Looks fantastic on my screen.
Thanks for the response Tristan . Not sure why its showing up dark and blurred on some monitors and not on others. I've checked on other peoples PC's and my iPhones and the look notrhing like they do on my work machine.
Image put together for potential new client who specializes in heritage work. Not sure why the images that I post on this forum all come out darker and blurry. Has anyone got any ideas. All my images are done on my work PC and look fine on that screen and print OK. any ideas will be greatly appreciated Ta
Looks fantastic on my screen.