Airport Dining Concept

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Here is the exterior render. I wasn't able to work on this as much as I wanted to, but here it is for context. (Ie pay no attention to the weird glowing columns. :p ) Logos have been blurred to protect anonimity (sp?). thanks,
I understand the concern. I will include the exterior render to show its context in a hypothetical airport. Unfortunately I was not part of the design process, just the guy making the pictures. Thank you for your comment. Cheers, TJ
It's hard to imagine this restaurant belong to an airport. I could see this belong to some local neigherhood in town. What I meant is that it needs some context/environment to feel like it is in the airport where there will be a lot of people, a lot of retails to compete with. Maybe when you place the restaurant in that environment, you will begin to see the problem in the design. Other than that, good job!