House in the mountain

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I would like to focus only on the visualization. ARIS_NOX3D you're an excellent texture artist with a good eye for photorealism. I assume that you have a photographic ekperience? Perhaps in the first picture in the attachment to do a little more convincing DOF.
And ARIS_NOX3D please don't think I was critisizing your work man, technicly I didn't even make any remarks, I was referring to the architecture the whole time. grts
**** move... if you wanna be like that that is fine, but add in advice to help him out. stop being just a ****, theres a fine line between harsh crits and purposely ruining someone's esteem, you crossed it
Wooowww man take it easy there, take a chill pill and stop interpretating stuff that isn't there. I never critisized anyONE, I critisized the "definitions" the artist posed as to what is and isn't modern architecture. Above that I was hoping to open a dialogue about what his ideas are about it. I'm not going to go into your "raving" and "ventilating" of frustrations man, life's to short for it. All I can say is you fully misread the message I was passing along. And please, see the way I used QUESTION MARKS and not EXCLAMATION MARKS. And if you wanna call someone a "****" whatever that may be, remember you're on a public forum and if there's anyone showing wrong behavior, I doubt it will be me here. - SIR. "but add in advice to help him out" - like what? What would you say to help him out? Should I give him a list of modern architecture books? I do think he's capable of looking that up for himself. But ok i'll help: 1) Go to google 2) Go to images 3) Type "modern architecture" or "modern interior architecture" I don't know how they do things where you're from, but here we don't critisize anyone, we just name facts according to our believe system and paradigm, if you wanna take those personal, that's YOUR problem. Not ours.
where is the modern part? It's all... basic architecture, modern in the sense of Zaha-Hadid organic style or modern in the sense of modern furniture? Cause even the wall paper is "not-modern" lol - wooden floor? modern? There are nice parts in it, but the overall quality is basicly what you see appearing here every 5 minutes. The ones that stick out are usualy the ones where something innovating has been brought, wether it be technical or architectural or whatever domain you wanna focus on. It's not bad.. but it's not "special" in any way m8 grts
**** move... if you wanna be like that that is fine, but add in advice to help him out. stop being just a ****, theres a fine line between harsh crits and purposely ruining someone's esteem, you crossed it
where is the modern part? It's all... basic architecture, modern in the sense of Zaha-Hadid organic style or modern in the sense of modern furniture? Cause even the wall paper is "not-modern" lol - wooden floor? modern? There are nice parts in it, but the overall quality is basicly what you see appearing here every 5 minutes. The ones that stick out are usualy the ones where something innovating has been brought, wether it be technical or architectural or whatever domain you wanna focus on. It's not bad.. but it's not "special" in any way m8 grts
wooow,,, it looking very nice.,, but a lot of glow... i think that... best regards