Aurora Public Library

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did you use and hdri image for the environment or a skydome? ive been rendering with an HDRI image in 3dsmax using iray but the sky looks blurry
Your explanation is perfest Endless Urbia,Thnx U SO SO OS much :)
I try to position the shots of my renderings at eye level so in Max i set up my camera to be at around 5'-4" or around there. That way, when I place people in photoshop, I know their eyes will be at the same line as other people (i set up a ruler guideline for ease). Some people may be shorter or taller and then I adjust their height so their feet touch the ground. If you can see in my rendering, all the people's heads are at the same line, or very near it. I think this adds to the realism and helps the client to imagine themselves there. Another method which is mode accurate is to do a separate render from the same camera with cylinders in place of where you will be adding people in post production. Make the cylinder the same width and height as the person that will be replacing them in post. Use that render as a guide for placing the people.
Thank you! I downloaded the people from a website, had to pay around $90 for the pack of about 100 people. They come in Photoshop format at a high resolution with a separate layer for the shadow. I've been putting off purchasing a people pack like this for a while and regret not having done it sooner.
And is the position and size of the people have a speveficic rule ?
Thank you! I downloaded the people from a website, had to pay around $90 for the pack of about 100 people. They come in Photoshop format at a high resolution with a separate layer for the shadow. I've been putting off purchasing a people pack like this for a while and regret not having done it sooner.
GRAET MAN but i have one Q ? How can i find this people for adding in to the render in photoshop ? :(