High st

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This is clearly a commercial work, and is magnificent for that purpose. Australia frequently has cloudless skies, and I picked it as Aus right away.(Also, putting a posh car like a Maserati in a pic is very un-Australian!) This seems to be a very honest image, refreshing for the industry.
Good to see some of your work Justin. Really good - my favourite would have to be the master bedroom
Thanks every one for the constructive crits, as always there is more to take on board for the next image. jhv
Exterior is superb,maybe some tweak in some materials,but anyway,great shots with Mental Ray...it's so rare to see some works using Mental Ray,specially in Arch Viz. Keep posting!
Yep pretty much the same settings for interior and exteior, although the interiors use a brighter exposure. jhv
justin, thanks for sharing the settings with us. did you use the same settings for exterior and interior renderings? did you use exposure control settings?
Looks great. Thanks for sharing your render settings. That is always a big help to someone still learning like me.
The exterior is very good (besides the road texture). But the interiors need much work.
Beautiful images! Like critic i had to say that the interior images are too much deformed by the camara angular. Good work raelly, especially the exterior
This is 99% good work. Something about the road texture and the completely cloudless mr sky takes away from it's realism. I would hide the curb with a realistic car model parked in the foreground. Like a Maserati or something that gives a flavour to the image. The repeated textures on the fence...I found the best way to deal with repeating textures is to use a blend texture with a noise map, and then copy the same texture into both slots, and offset one of them. I often face that problem with grass in aerial renders, so that was the simplest way I found to deal with it. Awesome interiors, but show me the room with the telescope in the edged window!
Thanks, all these are using Photons and FG. Light with Daylight system and photometric lights, no portals though. Iv'e used a different photon setup than usual, in that I am using a really low photon radius and samples but a lot of photons, this gives really nice detail whilst beting quite quick to calculate. These took around 1.5 hours each to render jhv
hello justin. i like it allot. Can you give us some information on you're mental ray gi settings?
i like it