Interior Staircase

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I love the modeling, but the textures do seem dull. If that is what client wants, then there is only so much can do as you said. I think more colors would brighten up the scene though. John
You're absolutely right and if I was chosing the materials I would certainly make them more exciting! There is a bump on the floor tiles but they are unhoned quartz so not a lot of reflectivity, hand rails are actually wood covered in brown leather, again not a lot of reflectivity, stair material also unhoned quartz. All this left me pretty limited not to mention the lack of natural light entering the space. I agree about the door textures though, they look a little flat. Intersting point about the grey, floor is actually a subtle blue/purple. The whole thing is just very grey! Thanks for the feedback.
I like the composition of the image and it serves its purpose as viz. As the scene has such simple materials and colours, you should really go to town on the texturing. Everything looks kind of like its made from polystyrene at the moment! For example use bump / specularity maps to add variance to the depth / reflectivity / glossiness of surfaces. You could also do with a higher res wood texture. Also it seems you've gone for 100% grey shades which doesn't really exist in real life :)