Room of ballerinas

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mfured20 - Thanks man i like this reply<br>
Tempest1295 - Thanks for reply man
Tommy L - is not a room of ballerinas I gave this name only because the
Think3d - thanks for the comment and the tip
Just for another perspective: the Cigarette and Jack feel fine to me, in spite of the contrast with the paintings. In fact, the contrast is one of the things that I like about it. The composition is quite good. The leather on the couch is very believable. I will agree with the comment about the shadows; the very soft light makes it look like nothing is attached to anything. I would be fine with it if, instead, you added a bit more reflection to the floor, or perhaps turned the glossiness down a bit. That would reinforce the point where the furniture meets the ground. Nice work, fo' sho'!
I agree with the comment above, somewhat clashes with the feel of it. Overall, the image is very nice though. I like it. John
I feel the bottle of Jack and the cigarette are at odds with the essence if the image. Ballerina's bring purity and flight to mind, rather than smoke and booze. The rest of the image is nice.
Renato, very nice image. Well done! The only thing is that some shadows are too soft so this gives me the feeling that some furnitures are flying...