Community center competition rendering

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Vizcon>> thank you to point me those broken links, they are fixed now, and thanks for your kind words. Tempest1295>> maybe some coffee splashes ?! ;)
Very nice work here, could you check the links, they doesn't work!
I like the night shot more than the day one in my opinion. The sky in day shot is different, but it does have an interesting touch to it. At first glance, I thought maybe my screen was that dirty hehe
Wrender>> thank you for your comments, it was intended to give the sky a texture effect, i wanted to break a little bit this clean (maybe too much) aera of the rendering, just as it can be done on photography, i can understand that its too much disturbing actually, but i have no problem to mix this kind of effect with realistic renderings. here is the clean one provided to architects too. link to hires: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42324[/ATTACH]
Couple things I noticed: 1. I'd lose the chubby creepy guy lurking in the bushes in the day shot. Is he waiting for another trucker? 2. The sky looks almost painted on when you zoom in...not sure if this was intended or not, but doesn't quite go with the realism of the rest of the scene. 3. The people in the interior shot are like 95% opaque. I would either make them 100% opaque for full realism, or take them down to around 60-70% to emphasize the conceptual feel. The 95% just sort of looks like a mistake. Nice work though.