McDonald's Restaurant Animation

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We tried to achieve the look of the 70's but we probably used more scratches than needed.
Really nice, except I think you should remove the scratches on the camera lens. Doesn't do anything for the movie.
McDonald's Nyugati -> The Reference Photos on flickr ;)
yeah more arches, less clothes lines
I agree with above comment.. it's very unMCdonalidish :-)... definitely the fanciest MickeyD's I've seen though. Awesome job!
Good work but where were the golden arches? I do still feel like a big mac though....
Great Job! I have one "critic": I think the chromatic aberration is a little excesive but is just my subjective opinion. Really wonderfull animations on your web site! Specially the backyard's house.
Very nice. Great "real" camera movements.
Very impressive. Is this the McDonald's fast food chain or a different McDonald's Restaurant?