Interior scene help

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for the materials you used firts of all check the gamma of the bump before applying it to an object but im sorry my friend thats all i can say because im not using maya.
Make sure you are working in a linear workflow. The daylight streaming in from window should be burning the ground (even if its black). Open the file in photoshop and throw a gamma 2.2 curve on it (bringing up the mid-tones). It will look much more realistic.
Very nice work for a first attempt. I will echo Braddewald's comments. More natural light from outside will really lift this. What software are you using, and what renderer?
I think the artificial lighting is dominating the scene too much as opposed to the natural lighting coming through the window. In fact, it doesn't really look like there's light coming from the window at all. A better balance would help a lot. Also, the image outside the window looks like it is a bit underexposed: brightening it up would also help.