Living with Modern Art from outside at dusk

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This is version B, I looked at the suggestions an tips/tricks that Dave gave me. What do you think? [ATTACH=CONFIG]40598[/ATTACH] What changed? -the sky -the crop -the windows -the grass is darker -more contrast
Hello Dave, Thank you for looking in to this. About the suggestions. -The grass - the desaturation is ok, but because I like the purple sky, I will try to make it desturated and towards blue, purple. -The windows a little brighter, looks good. But I am afraid that it takes some of the "mystery" away from the picture. - I will give it more contrast. Like you suggested, but i will make it a little less you suggested, because, I have a more darker picture in mind. - The cropping is interesting - I am thinking about 2 options: option 1 is make it wide-screen so 2wide 1 high or option 2 is rerender it again with the upper floor more visible. Thank you for your advice, I would love to hear some more opinions and critics from you and other viewers.
i did a little quick demo PSD for you to show a couple tricks with adjustment layers and masks that can make an immediate improvement. After that i'd say to look at framing and cropping the image differently, and about contact shadows at the base of the building.