Rendered MareNostrum

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I understand the time restrictions, but it is kind of funny to know that this are rendering presentation for a super computer and you didn't have "computer power" to render the animation lol.
LOL Yes, it's really Ironical! :D I'll use camera mapping next time
Over all looks pretty good, I agree with the previews comments, it is always a pain use flat images pretending to be 3d cameras pan, I understand the time restrictions, but it is kind of funny to know that this are rendering presentation for a super computer and you didn't have "computer power" to render the animation lol. You may want to look into camera mapping that really help in most of this situations. now the shots with the IPad although impressive, I felt is was a little long, the presentation is for the super computer, not to see tons of Ipad rolling on the floor. But again good and creative approach
Thanks AubreyM! I agree with you, the first scene doesn't look as real as it should be. A slight camera movement advancing to the door was planned, but render times were too long, so I decided to work on an static vertical scene with composed elements and then animate it with after effects. Anyway you are right, the result isn't very realistic. regards!
That was a really good animation Angel. Great presentation, I love the way you incorporated the tid bits of information about the structure. The iPads were a nice touch and well done. The only thing as far as a crit goes is the very beginning of the video where the clouds are rolling by like a time lapse, the reflections in the glass were good but there was no change in the shadows/ light, at least not that I saw. Made that part of it look a little unreal. More camera work and less picture panning would have been better too. Really nice work though, thanks for sharing it.