Office Building Warsaw
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Wil Vaughn
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One of the best "photo real" images I have seen in a little while.
Only because I started looking for the flaws, did I pick up on a few.
1. Obviously the fourground car as stated.
2. The trees on the right side of the street are just a copy of the other rotated. I would make a variation of 3 with a deform box & scale them and then copy & rotate.
3. The rain/water map on the sill area of the wall under the windows (droopy stain map in the mix slot) shift and change size slightly, the UV map on the different floors so they are not in the same spot on every floor.
4. Cross walk dashed lines on the street should b closer to the corner than the "stop" line. But this is being overly critical.
Other than these couple things it looks really good!!!
Shane Green
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agree. Great render, well done.
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Adam Zollinger
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Everything about this looks awesome. The weakest part in my opinion is the foreground car, but the overall image is excellent.
Fama Advertising Agency
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Everything except peoples/birds is done in 3D
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+1 Very nice work.
Bobby Parker
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Very nice, well done! I would love to see a wire frame, so I can see what is CG, and what is photo.