University Building

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Very nice render. Materials, lighting, reflections, ambiance/mood - all worked out very nicely. How long did it take you to do?
Glad you like it. In total i might have been working around 10 days on the project. That would be 5 days during the initial competition phase where i did a simplistic version of the image alongside 2 different perspectives Later it took me another 2-3 days to make an advanced version of the image by redoing the textures and refining the lightning. I more or less redid that second shot now just in vray instead of mental ray which took me 2-3 days mostly playing around with sample settings and shader properties. During the competition i might have been working 5 Days an the project for a simelar persepective as shown here plus an areal view of the project. Later on i
Very nice render. Materials, lighting, reflections, ambiance/mood - all worked out very nicely. How long did it take you to do?