High Rise Test

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Thats Ok , You do light Setting Really Good . i love this kind of night scence . you do it by Vray Light ? i think you need to model all that will be seen in Horinzon Line and also Use a HDRI Night for sky .
Thanks for your kind words, for the internal light I just used a Mesh with a vray light material applied to it. The Environment is just a CG Texures Sky in a Dome Light. Im going to model the rest of the scene as soon as I get time. Id like to put a fair amount of movment in the forground.
A good start, look forward to seeing it develop.
Thats Ok , You do light Setting Really Good . i love this kind of night scence . you do it by Vray Light ? i think you need to model all that will be seen in Horinzon Line and also Use a HDRI Night for sky .
Hi Chris I Think its looking great, when you add more details to the scene it will really come together. Maybe just try find some higher res images for the inside of the building.. I know they are hard to come by, also I am Sure you going to change it just don't put a gloss on the road:)
looking good...