House - SM401

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I agree with all the above comments......but I like this image's feeling.
I like the gloss of the grass, makes it look like it just rained. I think the distribution of the grass could be improved a bit. You can clearly see the different patches. And on one patch, all the grass is bending one direction, so that pattern repeats, except for the few ones that you rotated. Also in the distant, center left of the picture. You can see floating patches of grass patches. Maybe some DOF to blur that out instead of the edge blur? I've also noticed that if you focus on all the wood, there's suddenly one plane of "new wood", where as the rest is "old". I don't know if that's what you want. I think as a nice detail, perhaps a few grass popping out between the seams on the lower part of white floor wood. And the CA is so clear when resizing it to browser-friendly size. The blending of the background picture with the RAW render is very good. It also simulates a bit of DOF. My final comment on the overall picture is perhaps a bit of warmth? - the blue and green and white all POP (well saturated) on the picture.
here's a wireframe... [ATTACH=CONFIG]44607[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44607[/ATTACH]
did I not mention that? Yes, it is mental ray.
Yah, sweet image! Agree with the others about the CA, also bg image looks a little low res.
Great work! Are you still using mr? If so, you have proven once again that you can achieve great results with it! (I'm following your blog btw.) Maybe CA is indeed a bit heavy....
I may have pushed the CA a bit much. The trees in the foreground, and behind the house are 3D. The background is an image....I'll post a wireframe when I get a chance.
looks good ramy... seems a little heavy on the chromatic aberration tho
Did you modeled trees? also did you use background image for back side high landscaping?